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Remote monitoring with synchronization and visualization of field data to gain insight into your plant processes and operations anytime, anywhere.
Infilink is a feature rich Industrial Automation – HMI/SCADA software for today’s “Open”, IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) connected world.
We connect with all programmable logic controllers (PLCs) to provide an easy to use, open, scalable, secure platform to optimize the value of your operation.
Designed for small- to medium-sized PLC applications, the Infilink software offers the latest in HMI monitoring, communication, trending and datalogging.
The KEP Supertrol 2 Flow Computer with XHVD Enclosure is suitable for Hazardous Areas with Class 1 Division 1 Groups B, C & D certification. The addition of Group B certification to the XHVD makes it suitable to be used with Hydrogen and other flammable gases, liquids and vapors.
The mL-PI8 process indicators from KEP are designed for measuring and displaying any process value
The BAT R/T Millennium edition (BATRT-M) is a battery powered or loop powered indicator accepting magnetic pickup, DC pulse and switch closure inputs from pulse producing flowmeters with 5 digit rate and 8 digit total output options:
KEP's extensive line of Energy Flow Computers are compatible with all popular flowmeter types for Steam Metering and Heated/Chilled Water applications. Our Supertrol II flow computers are also used in liquid & gas applications. This series includes models for Heated/Chilled Water and Steam Metering, Net Rate/Total, SUM Rate/Total, Manifold Controller, Utility Metering, Vehicle & Skid Mounting and many more...
The KEP 1/8 DIN digital panel meters offers a wide variety of
displaying rate/totalizer, process and batch control values.
KEP offers a wide range of batch control products with single stage or dual stage batching. From simple pulse input LED to sophisticated batching with temperature compensation for accurate corrected volume batch results, printing and ex proof enclosures.