Nov 29
in KEP

Process Control Cloud Monitoring with Weincloud

Weincloud Process Control Monitoring Cloud solutionRemote monitoring with synchronization and visualization of field data to gain insight into your plant processes and operations anytime, anywhere.

  • Real time - Visualisation - Historical Data on your browser
  • Monitoring to Maintenance: updates - alarms - troubleshooting
  • Save on Cloud Development and Implementation cost with the Weincloud Solution
  • Everything under Control:
    Get connected and obtain insight within 5 minutes with the cross-platform remote access


Dashboard at a Glance


Simple and Easy

Data to Cloud
HMI data is sent to the cloud after a simple, foolproof setup on the Weincloud website and in EasyBuilder Pro.

Dashboard Customization
Create your own Dashboard with the intuitive drag and drop editor with all the widgets you could ever need.

Monitoring with a Browser
Monitor all of your devices from anywhere in the world simply by opening a browser on your PC or other device.

Data Encryption and Retention
SSL/TLS encryption ensures the safety of data transmission, whether it is for web access or inter-device communication.
Data retention feature ensures data completeness in the event of network connection issue.

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