Volumetric Fuel Measurement for Shipping - Industrial - Vehicles
A leading company of volumetric meters for diesel fuel, measurement and optimization solutions for all kinds of oil and diesel-powered vehicles and ships, generator sets, diesel electric locomotives and marine shipping: 100+ fuel meters - viscosity & monitoring/management systems for fuel performance and fuel switching units (HFO to MDO and vice versa).
Aquametro Oil & Marine AG is the leading supplier for oil and fuel flowmeters, fuel metering solutions, diesel consumption measurement and diesel fuel monitoring solutions for all diesel and oil driven engines, genset and boiler.
Contoil DN 15 - 50

Contoil DN 4-8

Domino Flow, Chem.Dosing

Viscosity Management

SPM Fuel/Propulsion Efficiency System

Performance Monitoring and Fuel Treatment
With our Fuel Performance System, SPM shaft power meter and other data from ship automation, consumption and consumption data can be recorded and stored for further analyses and evaluations (CO2-Reporting MRV).
Contoil DFM Board Computer

F-Series Flow and Batching

FPS Fuel Performance System

Diesel Switch - Fuel Change and Blending

Homogenizer - Sludge Reduction, Combustion impr.

Viscosity Management Solution